
We help with the legal requirements,

so you can focus on the business

Attorney-level solutions to make your websites and apps compliant with the law across multiple countries and legislations

A complete Set of Attorney Level Solutions to make your Website Compliant with the Law. The Most Elegant and Effective Way to Create a Privacy Policy + Cookie Solution. EU Cookie Law Compliant. Generate Your Policy Now. All-In-One Solution.
Does GDR Apply To You?
Learn what’s required by the GDPR and how to comply using iubenda.
iubenda T&C Generator
Optimized for e-commerce, SaaS, apps and many more. Try it now.
2-in-1 Cookie Solution
Create a cookie banner and store your users’ cookie preferences.
iubenda Consent Solution
Collect GDPR & LGPD Consent Opt-ins & CCPA Opt-outs via web forms.

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